An analytical tool has been launched by aviation consultancy Seefeld Group to augment advanced product planning. Premiere Insight tailors marketing research and forecasting to specific product and service developments.
The solution systematically listens to and interprets customer feedback, and is designed to deliver rich, new information related to end customer needs and market demand. It is intended to uncover the real drivers of buyer demand by revealing pain points and desired mission requirements. In addition, it measures the role of brand perception, emotional factors and end-user preferences. Seefeld Group said the methodology can provide tailored forecasts for unit sales, revenues and market share as well as unique insights into larger business opportunities.
The solution is designed for product development and marketing executives across all aspects of private aviation.
“There is an impressive set of aviation forecasts released each year providing essential broad overviews of market activity and long-term views,” said Charles Porteous, president of Seefeld Group. “Now, Premiere Insight is here to provide an additional level of more customised factual insight and forecast predictability to truly ascertain the optimal road map to sales success for new products and services.”
Premiere Insight is powered by two industry veterans, who together bring close to 60 years of experience to clients. As lead at Seefeld Group, Porteous is dedicated to ensuring customer-focused marketing research is optimally used in aviation strategic planning and marketing. As a Seefeld Group associate, Gaetan Handfield, an aviation analyst and product planning strategist, will oversee the analysis and forecasting for Premiere Insight clients. Handfield has worked for many OEMs and suppliers.
“We frequently hear that significant investment decisions for new offerings, whether products or services development programmes, increasingly require integration of rigorous market research with accurate and focused forecasting,” said Porteous. “Without specific, in-depth analysis, and greater understanding of market needs within the specific target market segment, many new offerings may not reach anticipated full potential. In an increasingly crowded, competitive marketplace, where investor expectations are greater than ever before, Premiere Insight offers a solution. It provides clarity to establish the most viable commercial opportunities and enables prioritisation of product investments with the greatest revenue potential.”