Dassault has shared that the Falcon 6X is ready to begin on a demanding global proving campaign, with envelope expansion and most major development milestones accomplished.
The objective of this 40-stop, 150-hour campaign, set to begin in June 2022, is to ensure the reliability of the aircraft and onboard systems in real-world operating conditions, prior to initial customer deliveries.
The 6X has now completed a number of major flight test activities, including cold-soak tests, high-elevation tests and expanded the flight envelope well beyond the aircraft’s Mach 0.90 maximum operating speed. Remaining flight trials include natural icing tests and contaminated runway tests.

“Our test team continues to be impressed by the handling and performance of the Falcon 6X,” said Eric Trappier, chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. “This global proving campaign will make sure that all systems are fully mature at entry into service. We are committed to delivering a perfect aircraft from day one.”
Three Falcon 6X flight test aircraft have accumulated more than 850 hours of flight time to date and the EASA flight evaluation process has begun.
Aircraft number four – the first production unit – was on display at EBACE 2022, equipped with a full interior. This aircraft will take part in the proving tour.
The one-month tour will include long- and short-haul legs across Europe and between North and South America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Flights of 10-12 hours will alternate with quick, short hops. The aircraft will perform long night flights, high-speed long runs at Mach 0.88, or up to seven short segments within a day.
The proving campaign aircraft will carry a full crew of Dassault pilots, flight attendants, engineers and interior specialists. This team will test 250 different evaluation points.
Meanwhile, a fifth aircraft is currently being fitted out at Dassault Aviation’s completion facility in Little Rock, Arkansas, with a sixth set to arrive in the coming days.
The Falcon 6X will offer a non-stop range of 5,500 nautical miles (10,186km).