Diehl Aviation has opened an engineering and support center (ESC) in Debrecen, Hungary. The site has been in development since 2016, and will complement a production site in Nyírbátor in supporting the division’s development and production activities in Hungary.
Until recently, all support for engineering, administration, program management, customer services and procurement was chiefly located in Germany. By 2020, up to 150 employees will be based at the ‘Lion Office’ in southeast Debrecen.
Diehl Aviation says the decision to establish the site in Debrecen was based on the city’s cost advantages, its proximity to the Nyírbátor production site, the opportunity to work closely with the local university and the economic-cultural environment of the region.
Diehl Aviation and Diehl Aerospace (a joint venture with Thales) supply aircraft systems and cabin solutions. Currently, Diehl Aviation employs more than 5,400 people. Customers include Airbus (for both aircraft and helicopters), Boeing, Bombardier and Embraer, as well as airlines and operators of commercial and corporate jets.