Gogo Avance L3, a new inflight connectivity system, has been granted FAA STC and Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA).
The system is designed to be particularly suitable for smaller aircraft such as turboprops and light jets – although it can be installed on business aircraft of any type and size. Installations are already underway.
Operators can adjust the system’s capabilities remotely, and manage the number of devices that can be connected. “Avance L3 delivers the ultimate in flexibility,” said Mike Syverson, senior vice president of development for Gogo Business Aviation. “The Avance software-centric platform gives us capabilities that are transformative to business aviation. Users are no longer constrained by the hardware itself and there’s no need for downtime in a hangar if business needs evolve and require different service levels.”
Passengers will be able to email, text and make voice calls with Gogo Text & Talk (a service plan is required); use moving map, weather and flight information apps; and enjoy IFE content using Gogo Vision (a service plan is required). Customers can also opt to connect to the Gogo Biz data network for full 3G internet connectivity.
There are three service offerings: Core, available through hourly and monthly service plans, delivers email, voice and light internet browsing for up to five devices; Plus, a monthly plan, gives full internet connectivity and email for up to seven devices; and the Max monthly plan, which expands the Plus offering to 25 devices.
February 16, 2018