5th November 2015Greenpoint Technologies’ Azure concept for the BBJ 787-9 Videos By Izzy Kington Greenpoint Technologies’ Azure concept for the BBJ 787-9
4th November 2015A narrow-body cabin solution designed by SR Technics and rendered by Advanced Computer Art Videos By Izzy Kington Eric Jan of SR Technics – a completion center in Switzerland – designed this solution…
3rd November 2015Design Q discusses the making of the Bombardier Global 7000 mock-up Videos By Izzy Kington Please click on the “Play” button to view the video.
16th October 2015ACJ330-200 concept Videos By Izzy Kington An ACJ330-200 design by MBG International Design
10th October 2015IXION Private Jet Concept Videos By Izzy Kington A windowless private jet concept by Technicon Design France, which uses the cabin walls and…